Blah blah blahs

May 9, 2010 § Leave a comment

Well, I’m just moping around here this Mother’s Day weekend.  Some jerkoff told me “Happy Mother’s Day” at work on Friday.  I know he meant it to be nice, but I could have cheerfully wrung his neck.  I tried to prevent a bad case of feel-sorry-for-myself-itis on Saturday by finishing my bright red leg warmers and hanging out with my cat.  He likes leg warmers too.

My poor baby husband has a cold and a cough.  So while he and Lebowski slept, I finished up leg warmer #2.  They turned out a little too big.  That’s my fault for not following the pattern I guess.  They seemed like they were shaping up to be too snug, so instead of going down a needle size for the calf and ankle portion, like the pattern strongly encouraged, I decided to go up a needle size and make the bigger part the thigh portion.  So they’re a little baggy and they sort of pool around the ankle.  I don’t care.  I like them anyhow.  Partly because I’m sulky and I need to feel like I created something.  It is a chilly May NY weekend, though, so they’re keeping me toasty.

Please note the Rebecca of the Amish book on the floor.  It was a horrible book and I do not recommend it.  It reflects my obsession with people who wear weird clothing for religious reasons, and also people who can spin and churn butter.

Speaking of spinning, I joined an NYC meet-up group for spinning.  I’m going to my first meet-up-ing tomorrow.  I’m bringing my spindle and some leftover wool from Judy.  (She makes lovely stuff.  Buy something from her!)  The lady in charge of the meet-up says some people bring their spinning wheels.  That seems heavy.  But she says most people just bring spindles.  So that’s what I’ll do.  I’m hoping someone can teach me how to use this little thingy.

I do like this garish red yarn though.  Originally I wanted to make leg warmers to wear during my ice skating lessons.  But I opted out of ice skating lessons after a few months because it’s pricey and because I developed a fear of cracking my head open on the ice.  The yarn is from my sister in Argentina.  It is soft, fluffy, and variagatedly gauged.  I think it makes a nice texture.

And it matches my toes.

I also finished another Chemawa blanket square.  A little on the bias dealy.  I experimented a little with the edging, and I’m please to say it didn’t turn out misshapen.

This new camera totally rocks.  I thank my husband voiciferously.

I also had another baking incident.  I had buttermilk leftover from last weekend’s muffins, so I attempted biscuits, with sort of mixed results.  They taste biscuity, but they didn’t rise very much.  I think that’s because I used whole wheat pastry flour instead of fluffy refined flour.  But Dan said they taste good, and he ate 2 with his soup yesterday.  So mission accomplished.

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